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nārāca an arrow intp
那辣遮  detail>>
路迦那他 僧企耶 新生儿同种免疫性血小板减少性紫癜 一板一眼的学者型  detail>>
n -r
大小比较逻辑数位 大小比较逻辑数字  detail>>
t n r
泰内雷  detail>>
as straight as an arrow
如箭之直 直如飞箭  detail>>
draw an arrow
拔箭  detail>>
feather an arrow
给箭装上翎  detail>>
straight as an arrow
如矢之直  detail>>
value of an arrow
一支箭的得分  detail>>
chill n,r o
奇永河  detail>>
rydberg transition  detail>>
r jasth n state
拉贾斯坦邦  detail>>
r out of n code
常量标志码  detail>>
r ul n
蹂躏  detail>>
an arrow used as a token of authority
令箭  detail>>
fit an arrow and pull the bow
搭箭开弓  detail>>
i shot an arrow in the air
我向空中射了一箭  detail>>
i shot an arrow into the air
我向空中射一枝箭  detail>>